List atleast five differnces between Online News Site and Printed Newspaper​

Sagot :


Online news refer to the online edition of a print newspaper that we can access using internet. One advantage with online editions of newspapers is the ability to take part in all sorts of opinion polls and replies and comments which take time in case of print editions.

Generally, print-version newspaper readers must be content with a small number of stories devoted to any one event. And the format of an online newspaper, which presents stories in a more or less parallel structure, provides more control for readers to determine which stories are read and in what order.

The Internet provides the opportunity to develop a new way to present journalism,

but many scholars say newspaper Web sites do nothing but mirror their print parents.

This study used content analysis to compare the content of stories in five newspapers

with their Web counterparts, and it examines whether reporter affiliation or a story’s

geographic emphasis has a relationship with the story’s amount of contextual elements.

These elements could include photos, graphics, or multimedia or interactive components

online. This approach applied gatekeeping theory to publications that have editions in

two media.
