Identify the following statements by choosing the correct word from the box. Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number. A. Essays B. Aphorism C. Novels D. Poetry E. Myths F. Journal G. Proso H. Literary Criticism 1. Rhymed Poem Blography K. Free Verse Legends M. Fiction N. Short Stories 0. Anecdote P. Dlary Q. Fable R. Poetry Analysis S. Autobiography T. Non-Fiction
1. These are prose narratives on a large scale. 2. It is a literary device that has no formal metrical structure. 3. It is a written story about a person's life. 4. These are prose narratives of limited length. 5. It is a short saying or statement that provides wisdom in a witty way. 6. Allegorical tale conveying a moral or principle of behavior. Characters are often animals or inanimate objects. 7. It refers to literature based on facts. 8. It is a short literary composition dealing with a single subject. 9. It is a person's life story written by himself. 10. A narrative that judges and comments on the qualities and attributes of literary works.