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title of summary is:BEOWULF by BEN FLORMAN

Pahelp Sa Mga Nakakaalam Title Of Summary IsBEOWULF By BEN FLORMAN class=

Sagot :


1..) The Significant traits and

characteristics of Beowulf:

◾Heroic traits of loyalty




◾super human strength

◾He demonstrates his

sense of honor and his

loyalty to Hrothgar by

volunteering to kill

Grendel and then

Grendel's mother.

2.) The Significant traits and

characteristics of

King Hrothgar :

◾Excellent and

successful king.

◾He builds Heorot, a

magnificent hall,

◾He builds love and

loyalty through his

generosity and wisdom.

3.) The Significant traits and

characteristics of


◾The most primitive

human qualities.

◾He is an intelligent and



◾Capable of rational

thought as well as

irrational outbursts of


4.) The Significant traits and

characteristics of

Grendel's mother :

◾More methodical and


◾when the hero Beowulf

comes after her, she

knows the right way to

portray herself to get

his attention

◾Personality… vengeful,

deceptive, and


◾While confronting

Beowulf, she uses her

arts of persuasion to

convince him to betray

his fellow man

5.) The Significant traits and

characteristics of


◾Appears as a reflection

of the young ,warrior





6.)The Significant traits and

characteristics of


◾describe as draca

( dragon)

◾A reptile, or serpent

◾A creature with a

venomous bite.





◾Fire-breathing creature.

◾The dragon was fire

- breathing and melted

the sword

causing Beowulf to battle

without a weapon. The

blood of the dragon was

poisonous and when

he did bite Beowulf, he
