protecting our natural resources​

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Natural resources are utilized by human beings either directly or indirectly for survival. Examples of natural resources are air, soil, water, sunshine, coal, plants, animals, and minerals. Additionally, nature acts as the sole provider for our fundamental needs, which includes food, clothing and shelter.Everything we utilize in our day to day lives is drawn from the available natural resources. Besides, artificial resources are derived from available natural resources. However, we never think that these resources might eventually get depleted if we use them irresponsibly. The surging global population, rapid urbanization and industrialization have created an increased demand for the available resources.Proper steps need to be taken to ensure that we continue enjoying these resources and failure to do that, the future generation will face tremendous hardships. Natural resource conservation ensures that the ecological balance is maintained.

Ultimate Ways To Conserve and Protect Natural Resources

Below are ways to save and conserve natural resources.

1. Use of alternative sources of power such as solar and wind energy

These alternative sources of energy are bio-friendly, particularly because they do not produce harmful gases that damage the ozone layer.

2. Plant trees to prevent soil erosion

This entails planting trees and vegetation to control soil erosion caused by wind and water. m

3. Practicing of judicious ways to conserve water in our homes

This entails simple practices like ensuring that taps are closed when they are not in use.

4. Use pipelines to transport oil

Many oil leaks occur as a result of transporting oil using ships.

5. Growing of vegetation in catchment areas

Catchment areas act as a source of water that flows in the streams, rivers and oceans.

6. Treatment of industrial wastes and sewages before they are released in the water bodies

Rapid industrialization has resulted in wastes that are harmful to the ecosystem.

7. Rain harvesting

This is an important practice of ensuring water conservation.

8. Practice of in-situ or on-site conservation of wildlife

This entails the conservation of animals and plants in their natural habitats.

9. Practice Ex-situ or offsite conservation of wildlife

It involves the conservation of animals and plants outside the natural habitats.

10. Formulation of policies and regulations to curb poaching

Poachers continue to kill many animals such as elephants, rhinos, leopards for their horns and skin, which are sold off in the black market.

11. Practice judicious ways of conserving energy

Such practices include switching off the lights when not in use, unplugging electrical appliances when not in use.

12. Use of biogas in our homes

Around the World, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is the most rampant source of fuel in our homes today.