1. What type of variation exists between the number of people going outside and the rate of transmission of the COVID-19 virus?
A. Direct Variation B. Joint Variation
C. Inverse Variation D. Combined Variation
2. Which of the following situations represents direct variation?
A. The number of hours to do a job as to the number of people doing the job
B. The gas consumed as to the length of cooking time.
C. The time traveled by a car as to its speed.
D. The atmospheric pressure as to the altitude.
3. Which of the following situations represents inverse variation? *
A. The force required to stretch a spring as to its elongation.
B. The boiling time of water as to the amount of heat applied to it.
C. The perimeter of a square as to the length of its side.
D. The number of hours to do a job as to the numbers of people doing the job.
4. Michael is planning to repaint his house, but he wanted to finish the job the soonest time possible. He contacted his friends Russel and Angelo to help him with the repainting. What type of variation exists in this situation? *
A. Direct Variationb B. Joint Variation
C. Inverse Variation D. Combined Variation
5. Which of the following situations DOES NOT represent inverse variation? *
A. The number of persons sharing for a bill as to the amount of the bill.
B. The mass of an object as to its acceleration due to gravity.
C. The time needed to reach a destination as to the speed of the car.
D. The salary as to the numbers of hours worked.
6. What type of variation is present in the formula when solving for the volume of a pyramid ( = 1 /3 ℎ)? *
A. Direct Variation B. Joint Variation
C. Inverse Variation D. Combined Variation
7. How will you translate the statement “the cost (c) of meat varies directly as the number (n) of kilos bought” into an equation with k as constant of variation? *
A. = k/ B. = /
C. n = kc D. c = kn
8. Which of the following equations illustrates direct variation? *
A. y = 0.25x B. y = xz + 5
C. y = 3 D. y = √6
9. Which of the following equations illustrates inverse variation? *
A. y = 0.25x B. y = 7/
C. y = / 5 D. y = 4 √
10.Translate “p varies inversely as r” into equation using k as the constant of variation. *