Genny96viz Genny96viz Health Answered 8. Ana is a 16 year old girl and the eldest daughter of Maria and Pablo. Her parents involved her in a simulated explicit sexual activity. What law was being violated by Maria's parents?A. RA 9211 B. RA 9165 C.RA 10175 D. RA 97759. Pedro was decided to join a fraternity. But before he can join, he needs to undergo initiation. During initiation rites, Pedro experienced severe physical and emotional pain and suffering because of too much physical harm that was caused by the leader of the group. What Republic Act (R.A) includes this violation?A. RA 9775 B. RA 8949 C. RA 9165 D. RA 921110. How can you evaluate reliable source of health information?A. Information based on ignorance and prejudiceB. Commercialized health informationC. Information given by competent physicianD. Information devised by quacks