Mariaedzhelburnettviz Mariaedzhelburnettviz English Answered Answer the Test 1-5.Test.1:What is my favorite ice cream flavor?A. StrawberryB. ChocolateC.VanillaTest 2:who is my smallest boyfriend?A.Rolann baul(12)B.Ivan Mendones(8)C.Vincent(10)Test 3:What is my favorite Animatronic robots?(4 of them.)A.Ballora,circus baby,scrapbaby,puppet/marionnete.B.Toy chica,lefty,toy bonnie,mangle.C.toy freddy,phantom mangle,lolbit,funtime freddyTest 4:Who is Ballora?A.She sing a lullaby.B.She celebrate with usC.She dance like a ballerina her eyes close she's pretty she has the little minirenasTest 5 HARD:WHO IS THE MOST SCARIES??A.BALLORAB.SCRAPBABY.C.CIRCUS BABY.