Directions: Imagine what school will be in the year 2030. Write a description of your ideas for a future school using modal verbs and modal adverbs (possibility). Be guided by the following questions below. Underline the modal verbs and modal adverbs you used in your text, .

Guide questions:
1. How will children in the future get to school?
2. What lessons will they study?
3. How many will be in each class?
4. What will they do at break and lunch times?
5. What will they eat?
6. What will they do their work on? Tablets, laptops or something else?
7. Who will teach the children of the future? A person, a robot or even an alien?​

Sagot :

  1. they could use Thier new transportation
  2. they might study about our history about covid 19
  3. it may have atleast 5 or 10 students
  4. they might inject food to Thier self
  5. it could be some liquid with medicine on it
  6. they might use Thier new technologies
  7. it can be a half robot and half human

(That is what I think)

Hope it helps!