c. Flat MUSIC Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. What is the home tone of the C Major scale? d. A b.D c. F 2. Where do we put the sharp on the staff in the G Major? d. 2nd line c. 3rdline 5th line b. 4th line 3. It refers to the musical symbol that are placed between the clef and time signature, d. Notes and rest Key signature b. Time signature c. Accidentals 4. They are musical symbols that alter the pitch when place beside the note. d. Accidentals a. Sharp b. Natural sign 5. A key signature that has no sharp and flat on the staff, G Major b. C Major c. F Major d. D Major 6. What key signature that uses flat to create interval pattern? G Major b. C Major c. F Major d. D Major 7. A key signature that has one sharp. G Major b. C Major c. F Major d. D Major 8. It refers to the musical symbols that cancel the effect of the sharp or flat. Accidentals b. Natural sign d. Sharp 9. Another musical sign that lowers the note by half tone, a. Accidentals b. Natural sign c. Flat d. Sharp 10. It is musical sign that raises the note by halftone. a. Accidentals b. Natural sign d. Flat d. Sharp a. c. Flat a.