10. A converging lens is used to form a sharp image of a candle. If the lower half of the lens is covered by a piece of paper, the A. lower half of the image will disappear B. upper half of the image will disappear. C. image will become dimmer. D. image will not change. 11. In most cameras the location of the image is adjusted to appear on the film by changing the A. position of the lens. B. diameter of the diaphragm C. shape of the lens. D. focal length of the lens. 12. What kind of mirror is used by department stores to give a wider area and smaller ima of the shoppers? A Plane mirror B. Convex mirror C. Concave mirror D. None of the above 13. If you wish to have a magnified image of your face for applying makeup or shaving mirror you will use must be: A Convex mirror B. Concave mirror C. Plane mirror D. any of these 14. Farsightedness is corrected by a A convex mirror B convex lens C. concave mirror D. Concave lens 15. A person views his image in front of a mirror. His image appeared to be real, invert and larger than him. What kind of mirror did he used? A Plane Mirror B. Convex mirror C. Concave Mirror D. Magic Mirror​