1. Propaganda techniques are used as
a, as a way to manage public opinions
b. as a figurative language
c as a way to present details
2. Which of the following is an example of bandwagon technique?
a. Are you tired of thinking up new gifts every time you get a party invitation?
b. Don't be the only person without a great gift at the next baby shower
c. Eleanor Roosevelt once complained about thinking of unique gifts.
3. If you try to turn people against another person by calling that person a "loser", what propaganda
uniques are you using'
a. name calling
b. glittering generality
c. bandwagon
4. In which type of media might you find propaganda?
a. tv and posters
b. movies and magannes
c. newspapers and billboards
5. "I am Michael Jordan, and I wear Hanes boxer briefs."
a. name calling
b. bandwagon
c. testimonial​