as youth of today,what can you do to enrich the vocal music of Cordillera,mindoro,Palawan and visayas

Sagot :



2. music of Cordillera

3. music of the cordillera may be categorized into: Vocal Music Instrumental Music Vocal Ensemble with instrumental accompaniment

4. vocal music 1. ibaloi Badiw –one of the vocal genres considerd to be the signature form for specific cultures in Cordillera

5. vocal music 2. Owiwi (Kalinga) - Lullabies 3. Dagdagay (Kalinga) - Infancy related songs Infancy related songs 4. Oppia (Kalinga) 5. Langan Bata bata (Tausug) 6. Bua (Subannen) 7. Kawayanna (Kalinga)

6. Vocal Music • Hudhud (Ifugao) vahted epic poetry which is recited and chanted only during four occassions: 1. the harvesting of rice 2. Weddings 3. Funeral Wakes 4. Bone washing (bogwa) rituals

7. Characteristics of Vocal Music 1. Melismatic - Vocal passage with one syllable - Sung against several note passages 2. Free Meter -musical meter without time signature

8. Music Listening

9. Instrumental Music • the function of instrumental music of the Cordillera is similar to his/her vocal music. instruments are played during ceremonies, rituals and celebrations

10. 1. Metal Instruments • Gangsa Toppaya - Gongs played by striking with the palm while rested on the lap

11. 1. Metal Instruments b. Gangsa Palook - gongs are struck or beaten with wooden mallets while held by the left hand. this is usually played by men

12. 2. Bamboo Instruments a. Bungkaka or Bilbil - playedd by striking against the palm of one hand

13. 2. Bamboo Instruments b. Tongali - a nose flute played with the extreme forward edge of the right or left nostril

14. 2. Bamboo Instruments C. Tongatong - are bamboo tubes played by stomping each against the ground

15. 2. Bamboo Instruments d. Ulibaw - a mouth resonated bamboo played with a flexible tongue fixed at one end to a surrounding frame

16. 2. Bamboo Instruments e. patteteg - bamboo of different sizes for varied timbre that is split in half and is struck by a wooden stick while rested on lap

17. Music Listening Bungkaka.mp4 CALL OF A THOUSAND GONGS- MAURICIO PATONGAO.mp4

18. C. Vocal Ensemble with Instrumental Accompaniment • Vocal ensemble is performed during courtship usually in song - debate form accompanied ifferent instruments such as: –Kuglong which is a 2 stringed lute: and –saluroy (polychordal zither)

19. • another combination of vaocal and instrumetal music are love incantations like the: 1. ANTANG ( Manobo) - Match Making 2. SINDAAY TARASUL (Tausug) - Greetings and advice during wedding 3. TAMUYOG, DANGO, OGGAYAM - greeting and advice during Kalinga Wedding 4. SALIDUMMAY, DANGDAYANG

20. Music of Mindoro similiar to Cordillera Music, the Music of Mindoro is used for communication with the spirits in ritual and worships, weddings , works, courtships, festive occasions and lullabies.

21. A. Vocal Music 1. MARAYAW song used to communicate with spirits in rituals for healing the sick and protecting the community 2. PAMUYBUYEN legend 3. AMBAHAN composed of a seven syllable line ending in rhymes often used in parenting in courtship, and by visitors to ask for food texts are commonly written on bamboo often chanted with accompanying instruments

22. music listening (ambahan) Ambahan (Photovid).mp4

23. B. Instrumental Music 1. KUDYAPI - is a lute with long neck and has no two strings that run from the neck to the base of a resonating chamber

24. B. Instrumental Music 2. GITGIT (Lute) - an instrument with 3 to 4 strings with a wooden body and human hair for the bow

25. B. Instrumental Music 3. Kalutang - a pair of equal-sized wood struck together

26. Music Listening (Hanunuo kalutang/sticks)

27. III. Palawan Music Palawan music is characterized by imitation of sounds from nature and the environment. It is also highly influenced by the native language of the province

28. A. Vocal Music 1. Kulial - it is a lyrical poem expressing love. his/her vocal music is accompanied by kusyapi (two stringed lute) and played by man and pagang (bamboo zither) played by woman. 2. Tultul - it is a chanted vocal music about epic heroes and usually chanted at night ending at daybreak

29. b. Instrumental Music The bagit is an instrumental music played on the kusyapi, showing rhythms movements and sound of natures like rustling of leaves, running water, chirping of birds, monkey, snakes, etc. The musical instruments are made up of bamboo, wood, strings and metals

30. B. Instrumental Music Basal - is a gong ensemble consists of set of one or two big gongs, agung and a pair of small ringedd gongs, sanang, and drum called gimbal.

Paki Brainliest nyo po ako and paki heart thank you

sna makatulong :)