8. "Selfie” is a brand-new English term which is used to mean a self-taken photograph. It was in 2013 when this word was officially accepted and added in the English dictionary. Most pictures uploaded on social media nowadays are usually taken from selfie. A. problem and solution C. comparison and contrast B. description/enumeration D. cause and effect 9. Improper waste disposal has been a widespread problem in schools for many years. Due to this, the Department of Education has been trying its best to help build a conducive learning environment by implementing a proper waste management system. By doing simple acts of cleaning and recycling, teachers and pupils can also have a good start to take effort and help address this concern. A. problem and solution C. comparison and contrast B. description/enumeration D. cause and effect 10. Blog and Vlog are two basic web tools most internet users are enjoying nowadays. Both are even considered as powerful online programs used for marketing business to earn money. Basically, the difference between these two types of platform is that, blog is a written content or a shared text with images. Vlog, on the other hand, is a posted information shown in the form of video. A. problem and solution C. comparison and contrast B. description/enumeration D. cause and effect