The PHILIPPINESis an ARCHIPELAGO,or string of over 7,100islandin SOUTHESTHERNASIAbetween theSOUTHCHINAsea and the PACIFICOCEAN.thetwo largestislands, LUZONand MINDANAO,make up for two thirds of the total land area.onlyabout one third of the islands are inhabited.
The interestingfacts about thePhilippine georarphy:
•Theislandsof thePhilippineis surrounded by the WESTPHILIPPINESEA,CELEBES SEA, SULUSEAand the PACIFICOCEAN.
•Givenit'sgeography, thePHILIPPINES'Sis the FIFTHLARGESTCOASTLINEIn theWORLDat 22,400MILES.