7. The main organ of the circulatory system
a heart
b. veins
C. veins
d. blood vessel
8. Which of the following parts is not suited to the group?
a. bladder
b. kidney
c. trachea
d. ureter
9. Which of the following is a function of the digestive system?
a. It transports oxygen into the blood. c. It circulates blood to and from the cells of our body
b. It fights against infections.
d. It breaks down our food so that we can absorb (take in the nutrie
10. Which of the following shows one of the pathways of the circulatory system?
a. It circulates blood from the lungs into the body. c. It circulates blood from the heart into the bod
b. It circulates blood from the kidneys to the lungs. d. It circulates blood from the digestive system​