Imagine your advocacy program has already come to an end. You want to hear feedback of your clients. Create a special event evaluation form for them to fill out. A sample format is given below for reference.


Name of Advocacy/Event: ____________________________________________________
Coordinator In-Charge : _______________________________ Cel No. _______________
Date and Time Held: ________________________________________________________
Place/ Facility : ____________________________________________________________
Theme: _____________________________ Colors: _______________________________
Estimated Attendance : ________ Children ______ Youth ____________ Adult
1. Publicity : Do you think there was sufficient publicity for the event? __________________
2. Equipment: Do you have enough materials to meet the needs of the participants? ______
3. Attire and Costume : Are the participants wearing the appropriate attire for the activity? __​

Sagot :


Feeding Program

Staff of Malacañang


February 14,2021 at 4:00 pm

Labrador Pangasinan

Healthy life is Better than plenty Money

100 Children

100 Youth

100 Adult

1. Nope I don't want a Press or paparazzi on my said event cause I want to help off cam

2. Yes, before the said event I already check all the materials

3. Nope as long as they comfortable of what they wear is all that matters