what if God is calling you and what will you do to help other people?​

Sagot :


I share the words of God to all people





Jesus says to love the Lord our God with all our heart,

soul, strength, and mind; and our neighbour as

ourselves. But who exactly is our neighbour?

Jesus answers this question with the parable of the

Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37). In this parable, two

men ignored an injured man, but a Samaritan, who

was moved with pity, stopped to help. The Samaritan

bandaged the man’s wounds, carried him to an inn, and

paid for his care. Perhaps all three men felt sorry for the

injured man, but only the Samaritan made a difference.

Feeling sorry for someone or wishing someone well is not

enough. If we see someone in need, it is our mission and

our responsibility to defend, protect, and care for him

or her.

Like the Good Samaritan, we are called to help others,

especially those who are poor and vulnerable. For some,

poverty is financial, but poverty comes in many forms.

Some people suffer poverty of self-worth, poverty of the

body, or poverty through oppression or exclusion. As

St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “Loneliness is the most terrible poverty