1. About how many percent of the planet’s surface is made up of ocean basins?

A. 60 % C. 75 %

B. 70 % D. 80 %

2. Which of the following tool is the most convenient and portable way to represent

the surface of the earth?

A. globe C. piece of paper

B. map D. all of the choices

3. What theory that explains the dynamics of the earth’s surface which resulted to the

interaction of the overlying rigid plates with the underlying mantle?

A. Earth movements C. Tectonic activity

B. Plate tectonics D. all of the choices

4. What do you call to the regions that are below sea level?

A. crustal plates C. sonar

B. ocean basins D. none of the choices

5. It is an instrument that accurately determines the tie between the emissions of a

strong acoustic pulse, and the detection of its echo.

A. Echo sounder C. Side-scan sonar

B. Satellites D. Sonar

6. Which of the following is/are result/s in the creation of many ocean basins


A. earthquakes C. volcanism

B. mountain formation D. all of the choices

7. A small elevated landform that rises from the great depths of the ocean

is called ________.

A. Abyssal hill C. Ocean trenches

B. Guyot D. Seamount

8. Which of the following ocean basin feature described as long- narrow, steep-sided

depressions found on the ocean floor?

A. Abyssal hill C. Ocean trenches

B. Guyot D. Seamount