What are the factors beyond our control and factors within our control by which
we waste time?​

Sagot :


Things That We Cannot Control or Change in Life...


Change is an inevitable part of life. Realizing that nothing lasts forever is one of the keys to lasting happiness and peace. The other important factor is knowing what parts of our lives we can change and what parts we cannot.

Too many people are unhappy because they do not accept the things or circumstances that they cannot change or have no control over. This leads to unnecessary frustration, disappointment, and suffering. This is one of the reasons that Alcoholics Anonymous meetings incorporate the Serenity prayer that states, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” You do not have to be a religious person to see the value offered in this prayer.

Answer: what are the factors beyond our control.

—used to indicate that no intervention will help things The circumstances are beyond our control.

Definition of Beyond One's Control by Merriam-Websterwww.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › beyond one's c...

Where Is Your Time Wasted?

Complaining. No one gets what they want by whining. ...

Commuting during rush hour. Time-shift your drive for less traffic.

Gossiping. It never gets the work done.

Doing other people's work. Do your work first.

Watching TV. ...

Hanging out with negative people. ...

Procrastinating. ...


More items...•Feb 14, 2013

29 Ways You're Wasting Time Today – Time Management Ninjatimemanagementninja.com › 2013/02 › 29-wa
