- Which is less: 5.28 or 5.8 ?
- Which is greater: 7.5 or 7.16 ?
- Which is the least: 72.31, 72.13, or 72.3 ?
- Which is the greatest: 15.021, 15.201, 15.210
- Arrange 401.401, 410.014, 410.104, and 401.41
- 5.28
- 7.5
- 15.210
- 401.401 - 401.41 - 410.014 - 410.104 (Arrange In Ascending Order)
(Note: Always take note on what comes after and before the decimals)
(Note: I changed the comma "," into a dash "-" since it is easier to understand)
if you have any question, feel free to ask