Give at least five importance of etiquette in physical activities.​

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Physical Education Classes for All

It is important when organizing a physical education class that students adhere to certain policies such as good sportsmanship, etiquette, and fair play. It is also important that policies of inclusion are implemented and that all students are involved in the activities for physical education classes. There are several ways that this can be achieved. One concept is to include three types of activities: individual sports such as running, dual sports between two players such as tennis, and team sports such as kickball.

Furthermore, the website Shape states that the federal guidelines are that all students engage in between 150 to 225 minutes of exercise, preferably aerobic, each week.


In the past physical education classes tended to emphasize competition only. As a result, often only the great natural athletes benefited, while many of the other students who were not good at sports were left out.

However, newer class models are stressing inclusion, and as a result a larger percentage of the students are getting involved. Moreover, this does not mean that the students cannot be competitive or strive for excellence.

One method of inclusion is to play games that are geared more toward the masses. For example, volleyball is an extremely athletic sport and many of the students cannot jump high enough nor do the proper techniques. However, cross county running and yoga are sports that most every student can do. Granted, some will still be better than others, but these sports better allow the students to progress at their own pace, instead of having to play to the level of the superior athletes almost immediately.

Another important tip is not to put all the students with special needs or poorer athletes into one group when playing team sports. Mix up any groups by having some star athletes play alongside some athletes that may be struggling or who are less experienced.

Another tip an educator can utilize is to modify or alter the rules of each game to better include as many students as possible and even the playing field. For example, many students love dodge ball but it can be a rough sport, especially on the less talented athletes. Modify the game so that everyone must throw with their non-dominant hand, and if the other student catches the ball the thrower is out. This is a popular variation. This would mean the throws from the talented athletes would not be nearly as hard, and the less gifted athletes might be able to catch the ball and eliminate the better player. After each game, everyone would be back in to start the game again.

Fair Play

What is fair play and why is it so important? Fair play is the emphasis of honor, integrity, and sportsmanship in games and sports that entail competition. These are values that educators and parents often work to instill in children not only in sports, but also off the field.

One method that seems to work well in the physical education realm is to have the students create and vote on the rules of fair play. This will get them involved in the process, and it will force them to live by the very standards that they themselves have created. The students could also vote on the appropriate punishment for students that do not play fair. By the way, perhaps surprisingly, students often suggest punishments that are sterner than if they were doled out by the educators or parents.

Fair play involves many things including:

Helping each other and working together

Taking turns

Allowing everyone to play

Trying to win without cheating

Following the rules

Not quitting even if you are losing

Playing hard but safely

Sharing equipment