1. Is our concept of spirituality affected the way we philosophize?​

Sagot :


For sure our concept of what the spirit is can be based on our philosophy of “reality” and “life.” The preachers are always available to either reinforce and capture some of our consciousness or to educate and capture some of our consciousness. Books are also great devices that can influence some of our consciousness for the author or authorities to capture some of our consciousness. Organized philosophy will influence our mind, body and spirit.

Human beings are complex in relationship to the different elements involved in our body. This accounts for less than 5% of our DNA, but from an ignorant perspective and the philosophy of an atheist, this accounts for who we are.

In 2020 there are possibly 100,000,000 atheists around the planet. In our over educated societies, they make up a large percentage of the population with another large percentage made up of the preacher type philosophies of different religions. The other 7,000,000,000 human beings have their own degree of uniqueness. There are some who would be at the enlightened stage of consciousness and others with natural light within their spirits. These figures are pure speculation and arbitrary, as there is no way to quantify consciousness. It is by its nature, always becoming.

I can very vaguely quantify myself which is where I get my philosophy from. The electromagnetic, chemical craft that I use is my body. It is a magnificent, multi-dimensional construct of trillions of cells, each living and dying at their own time consciousness as they build and support by using less than 5% of the DNA holistic plan. The other 95% is the realm that is spiritual with relationship to my soul connection. Off course my soul connection is 100%. I am just quantifying different energy portions. The 95% potion is interdimensional and works both in linear time and the more timeless realms of the soul.

In the year 2020, we each have a choice to make. Free will reins supreme in this year as a dark light energy is obliterated from our density of love and light. This darkness has been ruling over humanity for the last 16,500 years. In August 2017, a small group of human beings cut the head off the serpent and they are now cleaning up the top echelons of corruption. Our mission, should we choose it, is to expand our consciousness of love and light to begin the restoration plan for this planet who is now GAIA. Our mother and a very beautiful and exceptionally ingenious and tough one. She is kind-hearted but will not accept sh*t from anyone, especially evil, greedy, selfish people.

From my perspective, my concept of spirituality is affected by my philosophy.