3. Tacos a. taste better with cheese on top. b. is tasting c. tastes d. tasted 4. I have never been to Samar, but a. go b. went to other cities like llo-llo and and Cebu. c. gone d. have been 5. It for hours. a. has been snowing b. was snowing c. is snowing d.snowed 6. They married for thirty years. a. were married b. is married c. have been married d. have married 7. Last summer, Arron and I to Disney World. a. went b. was going c. had gone d. had been going 8. Sorry, Tom can't talk right now. He a. has b. is having a shower. c. has had d. has been having 9. Five minutes ago I a. wait on the couch. b. waited c. will wait d. waits 10. We on the project every day since we got the assignment. a. have worked b. worked c. were working d. did work