1. A key signature that has no flats and no sharps.
a. C Major
b. F Major
c. G Major
2. The home tone of C Major is ______
a. La
b. Do
c. Mi
3. What is the relative minor of the C Major?
a. e minor
b. g minor
c. a minor
4. It is a term commonly used for the first or key tone of any scale.
a. home tone
b. musical scale
c. flat
5. What is the tone of A minor?
a. Do
b. La
c. Ti
6. It is the most commonly used key signatures.
a. C Major
b. F Major
c. G Major
7. It is a series of pitches arranged in ascending or descending order.
a. Musical staff
b. Musical scale
c. Key signature
8. The ___________________ tells the pitch off a song. It is either flat or sharp.
a. Key signatures
b. Key names
c. Syllables
9. The _______ (b) lowers the pitch of the song in half step.
a. Sharp
b. Key names
c. Flat
10. The _______ (#) raises the pitch of the song in half step.
a. Sharp
b. Key names
c. Flat
11. It is a major scale that has one sharp (#) on the fifth line of the staff.
a. C Major
b. G major
c. F Major
12. The _______ Major has one flat (b) on the third line of the staff.
a. C Major
b. G Major
c. F Major
13. A major scale that is considered as the standard key.
a. F Major
b. G Major
c. C Major
14-20. IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write the 8 pitch names or letter names of notes in a C major scale.

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