Many Real-life quantities vary with respect to each other. Variation sa mathematical way of describing a change in the value of one another. Read each of the following phrases carefully. Cut and paste them to thei corresponding box at the second page. Incorrect placing of each phrase is a point deduct on on you score.
1. The number of hours to finish a job to the nur iber of men workin;;
2. The amount of water to the space that water did not occupy in a particular container
3. The number of persons sharing a pic to the size of slice: of the pit
4. The area of the wall to the amount of paint used to cover it
5. The time spent in walking to the rate at which a person walks
6. The time teacher spends checking papers to the number of studen s
7. The cost of life insurance to the age of the insured person
8. The age of a used car to its resale value
9. The amount of inoney raised in a concert to the number of tickets sold
10. The distance an airplane flies to the tirne travelling
11. The fare of a passenger to the distance of his destinatic n
12. The volume of cylinder to its height
13. The length of a rectangu ar field tc its width
14. The force applied to an object to the mass ard the acceleration
15. The maximum load of a beam to the breadth and the square of the depth and the length
16. The number of pechay p ants in a row as the space between then.
17. The acceleration of an object to the force exerted and to the mas:
18. The volume of a cylinde: to its height and the square of the radi s
19. The cost of a tish to its weight in kilograms
20. The ate at which a person types a certain manuscript to the time spent typhoon