ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Activity 2: Who is the writer? Who said, "Meeh young men grow up in libraries, believing is their duty to accept the views which Cicero, which Locke, which Bacon, have given, forgetful that Ciceros Locke, and Baron were only young men in libraries, when they wrote these books? Use the properties of exponents to simplify each expression. Find the simplified form in the boz. Put the letter next to each in the spot for the question. 37 2/ / / /* 1/3 2/3 1. 2. 3. 4, $. 6. 10. (1803-1882) American Post 7 3 7. 8. 9. 11. (-ab) (ab)² 3a² 3₂6² 10. won52 G 12.: 13 6 15 1 18a"b 42ab³ $22³648 72a²bc (abc) ² (abc)'d IP: 13. IN: 14. 15. 16. A: 169 A: ab E: abcd. 3 E: 17. 3ub dac 9 6(ab)²¹: 7(2ab)²c 8.lab (Bac) 8(3ac) 9(3ab)² 26(ab) 65a³b²c² $(2abe) a(Gabc)² 1: 216 D:: -'b* H: abe L: R: W: 3 S 62 179 12 2 8 16 5 14 11- M: 225 S: a¹bc 0:3 be R: 0: 2ab² کیج 14,2 T 4
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