Let's do it this way: 1. Use a clean sheet of paper to write your answer and observation in this activity 2. Analyze the diagram that shows the Earth's magnetic polarity. The numbers indicate the ages of the oceanic rocks in a million years, while the legend represents the normal-reverse polarity. 3. Answer the following questions: Q1. If magnetic reversals are recorded in the seafloor, what kind of rock is the seafloor made? Note: Materials rise and flow from the mid-oceanic ridge. The material that makes up the seafloor contains magnetic materials such as tran. These solidified irons in the seafloor can act like a little compass needle and follow the Earth's magnetic field. Q2. What does the magnetic stripes pattern represent? Note: Remember that solidified irons in the oceanic rocks can give information about the direction of the Earth's magnetic field. Q3. Is the magnetic stripe pattern on each side of the Oceanic Ridge equal? Q4. Are the ages of rocks on each side of the ridge the same?​