Stay Positivel Lockdown. It was one of the most shocking events we had experienced as Filipinos of this generation. We were locked down. Totally! Offices were closed, entertainment areas were closed, and even schools were closed. And we stayed home to be safe. And now we are approaching the eighth month of being at home. And yes, we stayed negative, most of us, from the pandemic, the COVID 19 pandemic. Different places were slowly opened, and classes began, but now in the new normal we try to live in. And in the midst of this, the children, the youth, and the elderly are still locked down. Though they stayed negative from the virus, being positive in life seems too hard. Many are sad, bored, depressed and feel hopeless from not being back to the normal lives they've once lived. Being physically and socially close with families and friends became a luxury. And so, as some of us become too lonely, we encourage you to stay positive. Stay positive in life, hoping that God sees through us, our pains and struggles and longings to save us from this crisis. So, pray, this is one of the best things we can do, never lose hope that God sees and loves us. And after this, keep yourselves physically and mentally healthy. Wash and disinfect. Wear your mask if you must. Be healthy, eat healthily, and stop eating foods that are not beneficial to your body. Take time for yourself. The little things you enjoy and can still enjoy, breathe, enjoy nature or adopt-a- plant. Learn, never be tired from nourishing your minds. Pause from your gadgets for a while and focus on those precious people. This virus made us realize that we always have. Talk to you parents siblings, grandparents who are there, at home with you, and together think positively that one day we will be free. Stay positive Filipinos! what is the differences and similarities show the comparison and contrast in a Venn diagram​