Eluhh045viz Eluhh045viz English Answered 1. Hurting someone's feelings by always leaving them out of activities is bullying. 2. Most bullying happens when other students are not around. 3. Most students don't like it when they see someone being bullied, 4. Bullying does not cause any serious harm. 5. Being bullied can make it harder to do well in school. 6. Cyberbullying is the most common form of bullying. 7. If you're being bullied, a good way to make the bullying stop is to tell an adult you trust. 8. If you're being bullied, a good way to make the bullying stop is to fight the person who is bullying you. 9. Standing up for someone who is being bullied doesn't make the bullying stop. 10. The best way you can help someone who is being bullied is to be their friend. TRUE or FALSE