Why do I want to make art?
Where do I want to be (with my art) 1 year from today?
Where do I want to be (with my art) 5 years from today?
Where do I want to be (with my art) 10 years from today?
What keeps me from working (making art)?
What are my bad working habits?
Who are my favorite artists?
What do I admire most about the work of each of these artists?
What are my favorite images/themes/shapes/visual ideas? (it is important to identify and analyze or accept your likes, preferences, obsessions, concerns, and sensibilities)
What are the 6 pieces of art of which I am most proud? And why?
What is your Art-related Bucket List?
Write your Artist Statement: Who are you? What do you do? How do you do it? Why do you do it? What has influenced you?

NOTE: Example only, not the answers!