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Directions: Read and analyze the statements given below. Write True if it is correct and False if it is incorrect on the right column blank.1 point each.
1. India adopted a parliamentary system of government with a union of states.
2. Married Hindu women, in particular parts of northern India may wear a ‘ghoonghat’ in the presence of older male relatives on their husband's side.
3. India was a wealthy country economically and culturally but when Europeans colonized them the economy declined.
4. India attained its independence on August 15, 1947.
5. Intercaste marriage known as law marriages are almost never arranged.
6. Most people in India eat a morning meal, a mid-day meal and an evening meal with occasional indulgence of alcohol.
7. Namaste, the traditional greeting used in India is performed by putting palms together and a slight bow to show respect.
8. Ma-Baap is a sort of spiritual form of Buddhism in which families, clans, provinces and states pay homage to powerful people.
9. Darshan is an important aspect of Hindu worship which refers to viewing an image of a deity.
10. Many Gods like Shiva and Ganesh have a one eye in the center of their foreheads.
11. The Mahabharata, the Gita and the Ramayana are considered smritis or holy scriptures in India. 12. Bhagavad Gita or Song of the Lord is the most important and religious texts of Hinduism.
13. A corollary is the motion that everything a person does properly involves interaction with other people.
14. Indian men shake hands with or touch women in formal or informal gatherings.
15. Indian people wash their hands meticulously when eating or handling food.​