Dodong's Dream

In Barangay Jinalinan, there live Dodong, who is a disobedient child. During this pandemic time, he does not listen to his parent's advice to follow the safety measures and precautions such as washing hands after playing outside. He also refuses to eat fruits and vegetables. Instead, he is fond of eating junk foods and unhealthy foods.

One peaceful night, he dreamed of a monster named Covido. It was a virus that could harm a person whom he touched and talked with. "Oh, please don't come near me. I promise I will be a good child and I will obey my parents." Dodong was trembling and crying out of nervousness. He was searching for the alcohol to let the monster away from him. Unluckily, he could not find the alcohol or sanitizer. Covido was coming near him trying to reach and hug him.

Suddenly, when Dodong opened his eyes and wiped his sweat in his forehead, he just realized that he was just dreaming, This time, he did the sign of the cross and prayed. He thanked God for keeping him and his family safe during this pandemic. Then, he promised that he will follow his parent's advice in observing and following the protocol to stop the spreading of COVID 19.

Let us answer the questions, if you truly understood the


1. What is the title of the story you have read?

2. Who are the characters in the story? 3. Do you really think that the story happens in real life?

Why/why not? (Answers to the sentences will vary)​