Performance Task 1: You are an environmentalist
campaigning for the preservation of one tourist destination

in our country. Create a handmade signage instructing
tourists on the Do’s and Don’ts in this scenic spot.


• Include 7 to 10 complete sentences in the signage.

Each sentence must use at least 1 modal. You may
have 2 prohibitions, 2 permissions and 3 obligations.

• You are not allowed to print and cut out the text,
icons, images, and other designs in the signage.

Every element in the signage must be purely drawn
or handmade.

• Use a sheet of bond paper in creating your signage.

You may use all the coloring materials that you like.

Rubric for Assessment:

Grammar Usage - 10

Content - 5

Creativity - 5

Organization - 5

Cleanliness - 5

TOTAL: 30 pts.

pa amswer na pls​

Performance Task 1 You Are An Environmentalist Campaigning For The Preservation Of One Tourist Destination In Our Country Create A Handmade Signage Instructing class=