Activity 2C.Directions: Watch a particular television/ online program. For those who do not have access to television or the internet, your teacher will provide you with video in a flash drive to be viewed where television is available in your barangay. Write your answer on your answer sheet, After viewing, answer the chart considering the given data: Genre of Viewing: Title of the Material: Source: (TV channel/ URL from website) What information did you get from the material? Is the information essential? Why? Is the information truthful? What made you say so? Activity 2D.Directions: Watch the video clip Here's How to Spot Coronavirus

Title of the material:the universe
Genre of viewing:science fiction
(TV channel/URL from website)
What information did you get from the material?
is all about the universe,planets,moon,the origin of the earth,asteroids that panded in earth,the bigbangband etc.
Is the information essential?why?
yes,beacause it can be helpful someday
Is the information truthful? what made you say so?
ues,because scientist and nasa probes it.​