Form a triad. Talk about the paragraphs below. Agree on the purpose of each paragraph, then w your answer on the line before each number.

1. The earliest peoples have produced both oral and written folk narratives, a of tales that form a part of traditional or indigenous literature. The folk nam are the myths, legends, fables, fantastic stories, and folk tales. They peri certain functions such as explain natural phenomena, show past events, dram ancestral beliefs, and comprehend the natural environment.

2. The Nabaloi people believe that, in the beginning, the sky was low. But as trees grew, they kept pushing it up. And now it is very high.

3. To ensure the unity of a paragraph, a topic sentence should be used. The sentence must provide the main idea of the paragraph. All the other sente should serve as supporting sentences to give some details about the to Moreover, a concluding sentence must be added to tie up the ideas or reitera repeat the main idea for emphasis. ​