DISCUSS AND REVIEW 1. Why is soil such an outstanding example of the integration and interaction among Earth's subsystems?
2. Describe the different circumstances in which water is found in soil.
3. Under what conditions does leaching take place? What is the effect of leaching on the soil and, consequently, on the vegetation that it supports?
4. How can capillary water contribute to the formation of caliche? What is the effect of caliche on drainage?
5. How is humus formed? What relation does humus have to soil fertility?
6. How is texture used to classify soils? Describe the ways scientists have classified soil structure.
7. What pH range indicates soil suitable for most complex plants?
8. What are the general characteristics of each horizon in a soil profile? How are soil profiles important to scientists?
9. What factors are involved in the formation of soils? Which is most important on a global scale?
10. How does transported parent material differ from residual parent material? List those factors that help determine how much effect the parent material will have on the soil.
11. What are the most important effects of parent material on soil?
12. How does the presence of earthworms and other burrowing animals affect soil?
13. Describe the various ways in which temperature and precipitation are related to soil formation.
14. Describe the three major soil-forming regimes.​