What do you observe in your surrounding? Use your senses What is the problem? State it in a question form. What are the possible answer or solutions? Use if-then statements. How can you prove it right? Design an experiment. Identify the variables. Include the materials and procedure. Record your observations from the experiment in a table and analyze the result. Based on the result of the experiment, write the final answer to the question. Observe Ask a Question What can you put on an apple slice to keep it from turning brown? ? Make a Prediction Make a Plan and Follow it BAAG Record the results Draw a Conclusion scientific method The apple slices turns brown. I think Water If I put the apple slice in not turn brown quickly. Independent Variable-liquids, Dependent V-browning of apple Materials: apple, water. 1. Water 2. Milk 3. Lemon 4. Soda in quickly. Milk Lemon L observe what happens to an apple after it has been sliced. 2. Put one of these things on each slice water, milk, lemon juice, soda 3. watch what happens to each 4. Do they all turn brown? which one turns brown first? which turns brown last? Liquids Soda then it will Observation I therefore conclude that putting apple prevents it from turning brown​