Directions: Read the Folktale entitled the Mango Tree. Browse the selection to fill in the problem-solution outline activity below. Let's Try However, one day when the children went to the tree, they were surprised to find a fence encircling the popular tree. Inside the perimeter of the fence were two mean looking dogs that watched warily their every move. A stranger who the children had not seen before came out of the jungle and approached them. "Get out of here!" the stranger shouted. "This tree belongs to me now!" "No, it doesn't!" The children cried. "You don't own the jungle! This tree belongs to everyone. Anyone can pick fruit from this tree!" The children were right. They were telling the truth, but the stranger paid no attention to them. He made his dogs chase the children who retreated to the village from whence they came. Upon returning, the children went immediately to the village headman. They told him about the stranger and about what happened. The village headman was very wise and very clever. After some time, he came up with an idea. She threw two morsels of meat to the dogs and climbed over the fence. She then took a mango from the tree and began eating. Again, the stranger ran over from the jungle and into the clearing. Stop!" He shouted. "You cannot take my mangoes! Go away!" Ignoring the stranger, the girl took another bite from the mango. Suddenly she screamed out loud and fell to the ground and lay still. At that moment, the headman came by and walked up to the stranger. "What have you done to this poor girl?" The headman asked him. "Nothing!" The stranger replied. "She took one of my mangoes and fell to the ground." The headman knelt before the girl and felt her forehead. "I'm afraid she has mango sickness," the headman said shaking his head. "You see, once every ten years, poisonous mangoes will grow from this tree... You must not eat any mangoes from this tree this year." The headman then picked up the girl and carried her back to the village. then picked up the ward and head The next morning, the children from the village followed the headman into the jungle to the mango tree. Looking around, they saw that the stranger was gone and took with him the fence along with his two fearsome dogs. PROBLEM WHO: WHAT: WHY: There once was a beautiful mango tree that grew in the jungle near a village. Each and every year when its fruit was in season, the children from the village would run into the jungle and harvest its delicious fruit. Once again, the children began climbing up the mango tree to harvest its delicious fruit. When they returned to their village, the children laughed and sang songs in their happiness while carrying their mangoes. They shared their bounty with everyone. Source: SOLUTION 1. 2. ATTEMPTED SOLUTIONS 1. 2. END RESULT CHA RESULTS​

Directions Read The Folktale Entitled The Mango Tree Browse The Selection To Fill In The Problemsolution Outline Activity Below Lets Try However One Day When Th class=