read excerpts from "Our Country's Greatness" by Elpido Quiri no and answer the excercise that attention to the context clues in the sentences to be able to answer the questions.write your answers on the lines

Our Country's Greatness
A wise government utillizes all the resources, energies,and interests of the country for the purpose of the nation.A wise government will,in every way promote unity, association,cooperation, assimilation -- not deeper separation. A wise government builds up,all through the nation , a sense of security, satisfaction, contentment,hope, loyalty. A wise government never fosters , directly or indirectly,envies, prejudices, hostilities. That way lies national destruction.

1. what word in the paragraph is synonymous to wars?

we are all members of the same community; what happens to one, happens to all. We pay for each other's errors and crimes,even for many generations.We cannot disenfranchise or disposses or oppress or abuse one part of the population without all of us being suffers.

2. What does this statement mean? "We are all members of the same community;what happens to one,happens to all"