2 kids positive for COVID19
by Chona Mi Himaraut

Two kids aged, 5 and 6 from Barangay Labu of Kitao, Zamboanga del Sur were diagnosed positive for COVID19 by the DOH Regional Office. The kids were children of a food delivery man. They will be brought to the Regional Hospital today for proper health care. Health officers of the region warned the community to practice proper hygiene. The community must wear face mask, observe social distancing and wash their hands regularly with soap and water. Parents were also oriented that they should take responsibility in monitoring their children. The barangay health workers may coordinate with the DOH regional office for further instructions to contain the virus from spreading. Failure to observe the proper protocol might result to a contagion in the barangay. The Local Government Unit issued a statement that anyone who shows symptoms of the virus should contact the hotlines or report directly to the Regional Hospital for appropriate health procedures and care.​

need ko talaga ngayun pls lang help nmn po thank you:>​

2 Kids Positive For COVID19 By Chona Mi HimarautTwo Kids Aged 5 And 6 From Barangay Labu Of Kitao Zamboanga Del Sur Were Diagnosed Positive For COVID19 By The D class=