Task 9: My First Accessory Construct a plan about innovating at least 1 kind of jewelry/ accessory and think for an added function or materials that would make yoour accessory unique. Draw it on the given provided space in the template. Make your presentation neat and clear. Your output will be graded based on the given rubrics below. SCORING RUBRICS PERFORMANCE LEVELS 10-Can perform this skill without supervision and with initiative and adaptability to problem situations. LEVEL ACHIEVED 7 - Can perform this skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision 4- Can perform this skill satisfactorily but requires some assistance and/or supervision. 1-Can perform parts of this skill satisfactorily, but requires considerable assistance and/or supervision. Teacher will initial level achieved.
follow this format:

Name of the accessory
material used:
Main function:
added function:

illustration of your accessory ​