Team work is important and cooperative team members are needed to achieve a goal. You are now are going to do an activity that will help you to be a cooperative and effective team player. Read this scenario: I know exactly what to do. We're wasting time listening to all ideas! munication Renovations are complete and your new office space is ready for people to move into. You are part of a group of co-workers who has been called together to plan the move. A leader has been selected but everybody else's roles need to be determined. This is the first time that you and your co-workers are meeting as a group. You need to discuss the location of people's desks, the photocopier, printers, etc., and to decorate so the office will attract customers. You all need to determine the steps necessary to accomplish the task and the roles and responsibilities of those in the group. Your co-workers say these statements at the meeting: Karl We can do this guy are a team. Let's listere to everyone's ideas Rose Answer the following questions Learner's Handbook This is so exciting! Let's get more computers, and also an espresso machine and TV for the reception areal 1. Write your own short terres Dan I have ideas, but maybe they're not good enough. Just ask if you'd like to hear them. No, no, no. I don't think we can do this Your ideas won't work.​