SITUATION: You are an interviewer and you need to talk to a person who is an expert in growing plants, for example, a person from the Department of Agriculture. ask about the process of reproduction from seeds to becoming full grown plants or trees.
QUESTION 1: Complete the dialogues below your answer in the program in science will serve as your reference.

STUDENT: Good Morning, Sir De Castro!
EXPERT: Good Morning!
STUDENT: Sir I'm here to interview you about the process of growing plants and trees. this is for my science project. now, can you share me the process, Sir?
EXPERT: I'm glad to share it with you! First,____________________________ Then,_________________________
STUDENT: Can you explain further what is photosynthesis, Sir?
EXPERT: The process is _________________. it is also _____________________________.
STUDENT: Why is this process important to human beings?
EXPERT:It is important because ______________________________ in addition to that,____________________.​