Mr. Santos planned to plant mangoes in his orchard so that he could sell them to the fruit vendors in the Pasig City Mega market. He wanted to choose between two varieties of sweet mangoes, preferably the kind with the seed that germinates faster. The seeds of one variety came from a neighbor in Barrio Burgos, Majayjay Laguna. The seeds of the other variety came from a friend in Barrio Banilad. He got six plastic bags of the same size containing the same amount of loam soil. He divided them into two setups: He placed one seed (from Burgos) in each of the three plastic bags, and one seed (from Banilad) in each of the other three plastic bags. Then he placed all the six plastic bags under one tree in his yard, watered the seeds every other day, and waited until the seeds germinated. Notice that he used the same amount of the same kind of soil. He also had the same schedule for adding the same amount of water to the seeds. And he placed the plastic bags in the same place for observing. eede. A But suppose that, at each watering time, the farmer used only about one cup of water for the six seeds. He simply estimated the water such that the last three seeds got much less than the first three. Guide Questions: 1. What are the variables that Mr. Santos used in his study? 2. The variables used were all kept the same in all setups. What is the variable that was changed? 3. In the last paragraph, how did Mr. Santos change another variable?