You feel the steady beat when you move in time to the music. You do this as you clap, march, swing your arms, sto our feet, or dance. You can also hear the steady beat from the things arou ou. Think of the drops of water from a leaking faucet. The all in a steady beat. Listen to the ticking of a clock. They make a steady beat. bizon of bo You can use the symbol to represent a steady beat. Y may say "ta" for each steady beat. For example, you can show the steady beat of drops of water from a faucet in this way: | ta T | 10 left | left Love Music March in time to the steady beat. Say left or right aloud every time you make a step with your left or righ 1 1 1. dog ta 1 right 1 right 1 ta 1 dog 1 left 1 | left ta * A. Clap the steady beats in each number. Say eac you clap. 1 right dog 1 right 1 dog​