Learning Task No. 3 Based on your identified variables, formulate your hypothesis. Identify the variables and data gathered. Copy the chart below. Seek the help of the family members to gather some evidences or data to sup- port your answer or when doing the experiment. You can watch news or read articles or get help from the family to gather your data. Researchable Problem Sample: Are more people infected with Covid 19 under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) or Modified Community Quarantine (MECQ)? Hypothesis Hypothesis No.1. More people are infected with Covid 19 under GCQ than MECQ? Hypothesis No.2. Less people are infected with Covid 19 under GCQ than MECQ? Variables Dependent Vari- able: More or less people are infected Independent Variable: GCQ and MECQ Constant Varia- ble: Data gathered Specific area un- der MECQ and GCQ under study. 200 cases of in- fected people are under GCQ in Area A. 150 cases of in- fected people are under MECQ in Area A. No reported cas- es for three days under GCQ but with several cas- es under MECQ.​