What's It Let's discuss the important points in the task you have just answered. Read it a and analyze the words in each pair. 1. night day :: happy: sad 2. husband : spouse :: baby : infant 3. cold shiver ::hot : sweat : 4. greeting letter :: title page : book 5. fish sea :: lion : forest So, what do you notice with each pair in every item? If you say that they relationships, then you are correct. The term that means "word relationships" is called Analogy. It is like a word pu It always contains two pairs of words. It can be abbreviated like stallion: mare:: woman. The single colon (:) represents the phrase "is to", and the double colc represents the word "as". Thus, it is read a stallion is to a mare as a man is woman. Take a look again at the pairs of words in the task you have answered previous item number 1, which is night is to day as happy is to sad, what do you th the relationship of the paired words? If you say that the pairs show an op relationship, then you are correct because night is the opposite of day and H is also the opposite of sad. And that type of analogy is called Antonyms. What about item number 2? Yes, the pairs show a similar relationship or ha same meaning because husband and spouse have the same meaning as well second paired words which are baby and infant. It is called Synonyms. Let's proceed to item number 3. What do you observe? Right! The analogies c words that are the causes, or the sources of some actions or conditions whi cold and hot and the other words that are the effects, or the results or consequ which are shiver and sweat. And that type is called Cause and Effect.​