directions: Link ideas showing comparison and contrast write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

A.but B.besides c.conversely
D.futhermore E.likewise F.while
G.similarly H.however I.whereas

___1. I speak five languages ___mandarin.
___2.She is very funny___he is boring
___3.Mathematics is hard for me in junior high school.___ it is hard in college.
___4.Houseplants require much care and attention;___,outdoor plants must also be cared properly.
___5.He searched for anna in all the classrooms and laboratories in the school.___,he did not even fing her.
___6.Smoking is a bad habit;___, it is very expensive.
___7.She was cold and tired, and ___ she was hungry.
___8.I don't like her___ I agree that she's a good manager.
___9.She waited ___he poured a cup of coffee.
___10.Anna may struggle in science class, but___, she shows an extraordinary talent for writing.​