passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 1.) It's true! At certain points in our lives, we stop and ask questions: How do we turn challenges to opportunities? 2.) Yes, it's not easy, but that doesn't mean it is impossible to do. 3.) This means that we need to remember the important ways to put into action. 4.) or course, the first thing to do is to reflect not in thoughtlessness but we need to start to focus and analyze the competition taking place between the positive and negative limits of our emotions. 5.) Eventually we ask "How do we feel about the challenge?" 6.) Do we hopeless, angry, jealous, worried, inadequate, insecure, fearful or do we feel their negative counterparts? 7.] It's silly to allow them to overrule our outlook in life. 8.) We must envision always that progress and success come to those adhere to practice hardwork, determination, courage, perseverance, humility, consciousness, justice, self- confidence, trust, respect, love and other potent secrets of inner strength and success. 9.) We need to be realistic that we need some if not all of them to turn challenges to opportunities; thereby this will make us all contented and happy​