Directions: Determine the type of context clues used in the sentence. Choose your answer fi
given choices inside the box, then write your answer on the blank before the number.
Cause- and- Effect
1. The famished or hungry girl raced to the cafeteria when the bell rang.
2. Khryzha's cat looks tame when sleeping, but wild when awake.
3. Daniel was anxious about the test, but Katryn was not worried at all.
4. Polar bears are predators. They haunt seals and fish for food.
5. Congress put a tariff on overseas goods so the price would not
be lower than domestic products.
6. You don't need to worry about talking to Mr. Valdez. He is approachable.
7. At the restaurant, we were offered a variety of beverages such
as milk and ice tea.
_8. Mr. Fry is quiet affable. In fact, he reminds me of Ms. Baker
who is very kind.
9. Jason did not go to school because he was ailing. He had a
fever and a sore throat.
10. Veronica said, "Please give me an easier Math problem. This
one is too complicated.”​